Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Hallway Demons

As children, we endure most things that come our way. I see in my own children a resilience that I wish I could still tap in to from time to time. It is my experience after 43 years of life, that most people edure change, loss of a grandparent, the ridicule of a bully, the betrayal of a best friend, or the tragedy of the death of a family pet. Even more in the past 20 years, have deep issues with too much change or the loss of attachment to people due to divorce, marital affairs of their parents, or even death due to passionate anger. Not a single person still attached to the human race by DNA can get thru one or all of these curve balls on our own. Stories of that special friend, grandmother who would not give up, teacher who spent countless hours on a troubled kid, or a special friend who just held the hand of a tornado til the winds died down. Sometimes, in part or in full, a child slips through the hugs, hand holds, and comfort of another person that walks with those little feet through the fire seemingly alone. Those burn marks and scars stay on a person forever. I often have said, in testimony to others of where I have been, that in a mirror I see a burn victim. An intrigue and repulse at the same time fills my heart for who I was, where I have traveled from, and who I have become. When things or people happen to someone that early in life, good and bad, there is a place to go that feels better even for a short while. This introduces alcohol, drugs, addictions, the abuse of people (who have not their own faces) and violence.               Anger.                           I know there are those who do care, but some see these grown children and scoff at them with such harshness.That is not to say, there are only child-like qualities by any means! To remain childish in play and have an accepting heart to new is a much needed quality in most adults.  It pains my heart to no end when I hear or see the hidding of ones own skeletons only to crush another for theirs. We all walk, talk, make love, have friends, work, smile, cry and get angry,  Some walk dark hallways in a constant state of anxiety anticipating  the unexpected jolt of an ever present demon Others as part of solitary survival, choose to sit and have dinner with the enemy not knowing just how to get up from the table safely. Every failed attempt brings more failure to a life that is in need of hope and security. As created beings, holding the ability to share a smile, hold a hand, and let a hug linger, could we not all decide to sit down at the table and devise a plan to help those who can't stand, get up and walk slowly away from that horrid dinner? I can often be quoted in saying that "People are the best and worst thing on this crazy rotating rock" I chose to let someone help me walk a long while ago. I chose to gather strength from those God puts in my way long enough to get my attention even now. Without Light, there will always be a dark hallway. Without those who share that light and love, dinner alone will forever cripple great people! After all,  we are only grown up little feet.

Friday, September 2, 2011

When will this all be takin serious? When we no longer exist?

With this administration, I'm sure my profile will be flagged or something very unAmerican...but I just cannot let this one go.: ( If you hate politics on facebook even though it is a social platform for many, this is your cue to NOT READ.... go away and click the x at the top right hand corner of the screen. If you decide to read, it is not my fault that you did.

My kids came home yesterday talking about how gret it is to build a mosque in America and the peaceful beliefs of Islam. I have a major problem with this. I am a conservative, Christian, military-minded, mother of 12 (one who is presently a US Marine) who cannot understand how, in our own schools, we have to choke down what is really going on with our country. We were attacked by a religious sect of people with no reason to live but rather are rewarded to die and kill as many "infidels" as possible when they see no possible conversion to Islam. We, as an American culture, have rewritten some of history trying to hide the uglies of history, when all we need to do is tell the truth and learn from it. I do not HATE anyone. I do teach my children patience, grace, and loving others wherever they are in life or culture. I also believe in killing to protect the innocent or the endangered. I also believe in protecting the people of our country, foreign and domestic or in some cases fighting those who are the enemy of this country, foreign and domestic. I am going to spend the better part of my week teaching my elementary kids about not only 9-11, but about being an AMERICAN.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence,[note 1] promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
For those of you who do not know what that is the BEGINNING of a piece of very important paper that governs or should govern our country. Please educate yourself and your kids.
There is evil in the world.
There are enemies of governments, religions, and races.
We had better start understanding what a "Holy War" is about....we have had one declared on us by a whole group of people.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Today is a day of contemplation. What I would like to do and what I am allowed to do and what I can accomplish inspite of certain elements in life can all converge on one little spec in time. This is that moment for me, which I am sure will not be the last time I sit in the middle of it all wondering how to proceed.: )  To carry ideals is painful enough at times, but to leave integrity behind is far worse than I can carry. Me, well, I have no option to not carry ideals along with a whole lump of integrity or I cease to remain who I have become. There are those who proceed forward with neither and seem to get far more than those who cannot. I hold for the hope that when the race is ran, there will be a measurable difference that matters to the right onlookers. That is the answer for today.


Again. On another day. No matter what. with the same ideals. With the same measure of integrity.

Friday, April 8, 2011

One of my FAVORITE places to be......more than just a place to go.

Love & War In Texas

I have discovered a place just off I75 in Plano, Texas that I feel there is no pretension in.  Texas is known for our hospitality and our kind words even if they drip with poisonous honey, but it is a rare find in a restaurant/bar/venue that I can be myself and it be totally acceptable. I am nothing extreme by any means, but the attraction this place has for people who love music and love those who love music is  unbelievable. So many times, much to the wait staff's dismay, you will find yourself not wanting to leave "just yet". An amazing place to eat, listen to music, and feel at home with others you may or may not know.  If you haven't experienced it yet, get there when Zane Williams plays, or Eric Beatty, or Robby White. A truest type of people , from owner, to management, to wait staff, to fans, to musicians......

On a swing

Sometimes, no matter what you do or say, those you love and respect will misunderstand you.  Most of the time it is something that could have been spoken more in depth or given more explanation, but often is not. I am guilty for an unreal expectation of those closest to me to know me well enough to give me the benefit of the doubt as I would.  It is not always the case.  It so saddens me when relationships are not protected as they should be and things far less important in the long run are prioritized .  There is a lesson here which I always look for when things get out of wack......slow down, smile often sincerely, love deeply, take time, show love when hurt is expected, and show grace for everyone at all times(because you can never truly walk in someone else's same shoes).  To live honestly, love whole heartedly, never trade trust for suspicion as a first option, let anger linger in dark hallways for days so that understanding will give light to the situation, and never let an opportunity to encourage someone pass by is what I want others to remember about my very short life is up.

I have been a bit mellow tonight and in the quiet of my evening had time to think about some things. Those who know me know that quiet is not usually a characteristic of my daily routine.: ) So I embraced it to meditate on those I love and the kind of person I want to be.: )


Friday, January 14, 2011

Texas Music: My Passion

Texas Music: My Passion: "I have been wanting to write a bit on why I do what I do. So many of my musically-oriented friends have asked me this question. It's really ..."

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Texas Music: My Passion

I have been wanting to write a bit on why I do what I do. So many of my musically-oriented friends have asked me this question. It's really is as simple as I am. If you are a Texas musician, you probably play, write, and sing because something in you says to do so. I have had the privilege of speaking to some of these friends on a personal level about their songwriting.  Songs are written for many reasons, but rarely have I heard anyone say because of money. If you are a songwriter, you know it is quite the contrary.  I do know that after the song is written, and after the song is performed that  one hopes that in the process of enjoyment that  the song will generate a financial gratitude in some way. I am no different. I love music. I was raised on Willie, Waylon, Reeves, Cline,  ZZ Top, Cream, Santana, Jerry Jeff, Billy Joel, Elton John, and the list goes on. Music has colorized every memory I have. When I discovered all the great music being written and sung in our little North Texas area, I had to share it with friends and family. What is known today as Texas Red Productions or is just an extension of this beginning. What is happening in Texas more and more is actually just a continuation of what Texas music is and has been all independent people writing independent music in an independent state. Somehow, we as Texans, have managed to keep true to something that is grown here much like our pecan trees. Independence. We are part of something bigger, but have no fear of standing alone. In a day of political correctness and conformity, Texas music remains itself. That is worth capturing on film and supporting in any way I can. If support comes after that is done, I welcome it only to further more of my venture in capturing the Texas Music Scene. The fabric that is woven in the people I often video and photograph is so completely tough. It shines in the music that is written too. I recently went to see a new movie by the name of "Country Strong". I was utterly disappointed. At first glance, it is a movie about a woman who is a country music singer/songwriter. She runs through addiction and people like some musicians do, but in the end, ends her own life. The movie  makes a few statements about Texas music that could be close to the truth, however, "country strong" ends up being country weak. To end one's life is not strong at all. The only redeeming character in this whole movie was Bo, who was a singer/songwriter in love with the small town folk who enjoyed his music. That is true to the Texas music scene. We are surrounded by all kinds of musicians. Some still think that going to another state is where they need to go to be great. I chose to believe, based on my observations in this lifestyle of music, that the greatness of Texas music is in the ability to completely stand up alone. Those who pour out their hearts in music are, in my opinion, some of the coolest people to know. We have spent many hours  in living rooms, beside campfires, on backs of trucks and outside venues til all hours of the morning listening and getting to know the artists that live, eat, and sing in our areas. We feel blessed for this opportunity. I may have rambled a bit today. I hope that you will forgive me for typing as I speak. I do it intentionally because I do not have to be anything but me on my personal blog.: ) I just want to share my thoughts as if I were sitting with you, if that is ok.: ) I add too many smiley faces because when reading, I want you to know I am smiling too.: ) Please have a wonderful day in spite of the cold and always know that if our paths cross at anytime, you are more than welcomed to come and say hello. Until then, having a great day.: )