The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government – lest it come to dominate our lives and interests. –
Patrick Henry
I chose to answer a post on my own wall this morning about a comment made last night by was curiously and mysteriously interrupted and disallowed by the facebook gremlins. So, I decided to write it somewhere safe and then link it like everything said should be done anyways. : )
Written last night by me:
response from a fb friend:
The freedom is there, but that doesn't mean everyone will like it. I may not agree with
(whoever) but I say go ahead and say it. People getting irritated is not the same as it
being illegal. You're not responsible for other people's reactions.
While this sounds good it started me thinking about the legalities of free speech. Why, in our country, can you go to jail or have your wallet raped by the powers that be, for something you say.
"Sticks and stones may brake my bones, but words will never hurt me"
How many of us, as children cried, prissed, and yelled these words back at some other kid trying to hurt our feelings? I sure had my fair share of it being the fat, little red- headed, freckled, poor kid in school while my mom waited tables and my dad went to school and bar tended. Our forefathers spoke out generously with warnings and ideals often and until they were heard. Why, today is it legal to file against someone in court for something that is mere letters. There are words I loathe. The word nigger is one I do detest, not because I am black (I am not)or because I am ignorant (I am not), or because it evokes some personal pain I feel for a people wronged, but because it produces an arrogant wardrobe to those who use it and have no right to wear that wardrobe for a difference in skin pigmentation. Should someone go to jail, I do not think so. I am a chunky, red-headed, Christian, conservative (in most things), mother of 11 children, who also believes that abortion for any reason is murder, homosexuality is a choice and not genetics, and that spanking children is a must when done without anger and as a last resort to teach bad behavior consequences. I hold dear my Bible and all who have gone before me and been killed for it along with the reverence of the soil I lay my head on and the blood shed to protect it. I have had some of the most awful things said to my face in public by those compelled to try and make me feel bad for something they felt by my very presence. Should I file a lawsuit? No. Should I take the opportunity to speak and refute those possibly misplaced angers, yes. So many people today spout about their own rights, but fail miserably in my opinion to look at the possible addition they can contribute to society and posterity. My Nanny called it a legacy.
anything handed down from the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor
I have heard the words Entitlement Generation used alot in the last few years. It rang in my brain as I watched the political monster move thru our country this election. Political promises to people who do not understand it is an impossibility to fullfill. The culture of our country is being redefined by a weakness to address the issues instead of pacify the incessant "toddler" in the room. Haven't you ever seen the frantic mother or father in the grocery store running around with the screaming brat of a kid, trying to buy their silence instead of turning that kid over their knee and rewarding that bad behavior with something as a reminder of what NOT to do? I have. That very minute (the one of panic buying), a parent has lost the honor and ability to effect and teach that child (future Americans) correctly. Government has never been an institution to be trusted. Ours is no different. Time and change has left us with people in charge that are stealing the safe and giving it to the neighbor across the street while shoving ice cream after ice cream down the screaming brat's face who wants nothing more than what it wants to feel good reguardless the consequence. So many people with their hands out wanting them filled with little to no reguard of the consequence to the security of the economy or future of our country and a pen in the other to check mark the box of who fills it more.
Entitlement at it's best (or worst).
I am not sad today because the guy I voted for, lost. I am sad today for the policies that are going to change our country from liberty and true freedom to dream, to a controlled and enslaved lifestyle that will not be known til it bares it's nasty teeth. Little ones, those who chose to live apart from the responsibilities of our country but want everything in return, will be the first to say ouch and wonder what and why. I would look behind the curtain before you sound that cheer too loud. Money is not free,it cost someone. Maybe you don't care about the future, have no kids, and want to party on what you can get from anyone first.....I am not. That is all I have to say today. ~Mel